this is *not* about bacon chocolate bars.
It’s about the little freak-out when you run into something or someone which shatters your idea of individuality.
Like hanging out in the Sydney harbor with a gaggle of bear-guys from the UK and discovering one of them, (Dave – an optometrist from Manchester), is also… deathly afraid of butterflies.
We just stood there dead-pan staring at one another in near shock that we’d encountered another human with the same ridiculous phobia.
When we still lived in the city, we’d go out for brunch with the old happy-hour gang nearly every Sunday.
This is not remarkable nor unusual.
That I always finished the meal with a piece of chocolate cake and 3 slices of bacon was.
I’d get the expected eye-rolls, gasps and the all too common: “you’re weird enough corbett – stop trying.”
I’d only wink back… because my mouth was full and smiling.
So I’m sitting enjoying a square from one of my favorite chocolatiers and somehow the conversation mandated I pull the company’s site up and look up their exotic candy bar list.
I’ve been there countless times and I’ve contemplated and/or tried all of them…
except for the new one they just added.
But I said this wasn’t about bacon chocolate bars.