Sorry – slept in this morning and didn’t leave myself enough time to peck at the keyboard….
I had (have) a starch hangover.
Sunday was St. Louis Strassenfest.
It was also 100°F outside. (105° heat index).
So.. the event for us was purely a gastronomic strike mission: get in,… get food… and get the hell out.
so I had umm… a lot:
Beef Rolladen
a Brat
a Knock
potato pancakes…. umm… (5 of em?)
roasted corn on the cob…
and a funnel cake chaser.
“this is excessive.”
*kicks over tub of TUMSâ„¢*
/300 reference
yes… I’m purging today and eating nothing but Cif Bars and orange juice.
DAMN though I love me some german food.