fending off vertigo
Yesterday was one of those run-to-the four corners of the city days. I had to run into Clayton to take care of some gov. paperwork for my dad. Snooty Clayton is the “county-seat†of Saint Louis – filled with high end restaurants, art galleries and law firms. I generally loathe going there for one reason… PARKING.
On the occasions I have to brave the area – I make it a point to treat myself to a plate of Zuzu’s enchiladas.
The day ended at the ballroom client’s space… But I wasn’t there for the Ballroom people – I was there for the construction / restoration company that owns and manages the building. By way of the ballroom folks, they’ve picked me up as their pet designer. We’ve been trying, for a month now, to get their damn wayfinding system I designed installed. Unfortunately – powertools and monkeybears are a bad mix, so I’m reliant on their maintenance people for the site installs.
Apparently getting subs to show up is a problem even for multi-million dollar construction companies. I’ve been up there three times so far for installs and the maintenance guys haven’t showed.
Needing to clock at least a couple of hours for the day – I helped myself to the supply closet and found a ladder and did one of the sites myself. (the hardware was already installed so all I had to do was put the panels on).
Anyone in “the biz†– check out B&N Industries. They’ve got totally cool, scaleable systems for displays. We used their “cable-mini†system and had them powder-coated locally. The plex panels were fabricated locally as well using vinyl lettering and 3M frost.
*Note – The Apple Store uses their cable system for their front-of-store displays. Endlessly configurable and deliciously minimal.
I’m talkin shop – not blogging.