Tag Archives: aging


bloghold, subcategory = POV nanocatogery = hair

serial hook = there is no hook

commentary = wooah… not sure what was wrong with me. We got home last night from taking my mom to dinner and I got this nasty headache and got really tired and weak-feeling… maybe a tad dizzy (?) – … I took a couple of aspirin and went to bed around 10pm…

Got up at my normal 6:30 and still felt pretty much the same way… went through the morning motions – all the way to getting dressed and packed and sat here with my keys in my hand to no avail…. so I called the day off and crawled back into bed…

FOUR HOURS LATER… I’d wake back up… Feel much better… I’d say normal – aside from the natural grogginess that would accompany sleeping for fourteen hours…. what the hell’s the matter with me.

Kevin said: “You’re working like a madman and you’re not in your 20’s anymore…. welcome to the back-end of of your 30’s”

… so then I threw a chair at him.

baby’s first gray facial hair

huh… Kevin swears I had to have had one before…. This is the first gray facial hair I’ve noticed though – so therefore it may as well be, at least ceremonially, the first.

He’s really defiant too.. Which supports my theory that he is indeed the first… Brash little fucker had to make a big entrance – giving the doorman hell, screaming at the top of his lungs so the rest of the beard would hear him… “WHAT DO YOU MEAN I’M NOT ON THE FUCKING GUEST LIST… DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?!?!”

We know. He’s middle-age… And no he’s not invited… He’s inevitable…. And the more I become endeared to the 20-somethings I work with – the more sensitized I’ve become to such concepts.

Here I am anthropomorphizing a frigging hair.

At least I’m not blogging.