Tag Archives: food

wurst Sunday ever


You know for the days being so long during the summer, you’d think we’d perceive the weekends as “longer”.

Mum had to go somewhere over in Millstadt over the weekend and stopped by and picked up a mess of exotic and traditional sausages from some little shop over there she knows of. (*One of the advantages of living in a city surrounded by tiny, German-settled rural towns).

Anyway – she had us out yesterday to partake.

Green-Onion Brats
Venison, Pork -n- Cherry
Spicy Wild Boar

the wild boar ones took the blue ribbon in my book.

she also made homemade German Potato salad. (*faints*)

I think still have slight food coma.

first $hoot with new lights

Hey… where’d the weekend go?

That food shoot I mentioned was on Friday…. The client, (catering company), was having their 07 menu tasting… It was my job to catch things as they left the kitchen, shoot it quickly and then pass it off to a server.

The new-old lights performed admirably…. enough so that I won’t be so nervous the next time an assignment like this comes up. (Think I’m going to snarf around on eBay for a used flash meter).

Met Daniel / Drew & their friends from K.C. at JJ’s for the bear’s happy hour…

Super-silly arty eccentrics…. Loved ’em! We now have new friends on the other side of the state… and yet another excuse to take a long weekend and schlep into KC and Kansas.

Did I mention it’s really…. really cold outside?

Did I mention I have this problem with babbling?

thanksgiving break

Despite the break – I’m still bandwidth compromised.

Thanksgiving at Mom’s was fine… Go for the guilt… stay for the food.

Mum’s doc friends were there… Always nice to see them.

My uncle was there…. Always as enjoyable as an IRS tax audit.*

*so’kay… since I started shifting in October – stuff like that just really doesn’t bother me anymore…

Three kinds of turkeys… Fried, smoked and roasted.

Weekend included:

Taxes… (last years.. and get this…. 06 too! I’ve NEVER turned stuff into the accountant EARLY before).
Removing pine sap from the cars… (and subsequently trashing the jetta’s clear coat.. ugh).
Nursing Chad back to health… (our colds turned into bronchitis for him)

Whipped out the rest of the leftovers last night…. why does cold 3 day old turkey taste soooooooo goooooood.

(insert clever serial ending here)


Those rat bastards at Ben & Jerry’s have come out with a liquid version of one of my favorite flavors of ice cream.

I muttered something along the lines of “Oh my god – this is so good I could fuck it”…. “Hmmm.”…. then noticed the bottle design…. then reminded myself that those tender experimental years when boys stick their dorks in random objects is decade’s past for me.

Yes ladies… You all don’t have exclusive franchise over the whole “sex with strange foreign objects” thing….

Guys.. especially the straight ones, just don’t talk about it.

Personally – I prefer to look back at those years and giggle my butt off and remain in a sense of awe that I made it though my sexual blooming without any embarrassing trips to the emergency room.

Woooah.. Holy tangent… This was going to be about how we decided as a family unit to try going dairyless in the new year… (Not permanently.. we just want to try it for 3 months and see if we perceive a change as Leah’s Chineese Medicine expert friend insists we will).

Oh well.

(*insert clever serial ending here*)