quick, call PETA
Up and out this morning early – slightly sleep deprived from tossing and turning over this piss off of yesterday. (damn it I hate my subconscious!)
chrisglass blew into town last night to stop-crash and catch a plane in the morning. We did our typical hang out, sans-uno this time. Chad gleefully pilfered his massive, and quite obscure, MP3 collection. Kevin payed Final Fantasy, (replacement video crack for Mario-Kart). I made nibbly things and popped aspirin.
Chris apparently feels so at home here that he damn near becomes transparent. On two different occasions this morning I’d turn the corner farting or scratching my privates and would stop and gasp remembering he was here.
Did the ritual client visits and ran all over the city delivering production files to vendors. Couldn’t help but notice the Mardi Gras madness has started.
St. Louis is home to the second largest M.G. celebration in the US to New Orleans. It all happens in a historic neighborhood called “Soulard” which was basically all St. Louis was back in the 1800’s. The area feels very French-Quarter…. It’s dotted with taverns, gay and straight and the streets are lined with little row-type houses, courtyards, etc…
The locals down there are a special breed. Folks are already wandering the streets with silly hats on and beads. One of the first big events is the dog parade – where folks dress up their mutts and walk them down the street. One pre-party local had her dog out complete with beads and hat for a walk.
Headed back to the restaurant client to mooch a sandwich and bandwidth….
Here’s the karma-go-round part…. So there I am, grilled chicken sandwich stuffed in my mouth, trying to keep myself busy and forget my recent piss off which is tickling my ass.
My cell phone rings… It’s the president of the architecture firm who’s recently built their office into the same building as my client. She asked if I could walk down to her office to look at their door and see if I could design something for them… I said sure.
Introductions, shot the shit and showed her some of my work… But the end of our little visit she was putting all of their print materials in my hands and wants me to refine and develop their identity. Voila – we’ve got a new client! (woopie! architects no less.. they’re great clients ’cause they “get it”).
*So… Stuff THAT in your karma pipe and smoke it. 🙂
I ain’t bloggin – I’m too busy doing a little happy monkey dance.
*knocks lamp off table and gets yelled at by Kevin*