I was going to post some pics that Chad took out in the garden yesterday… I emailed them to myself from the other computer but when I got to work this morning, they weren’t there…. I’ll have to share them tomorrow.
Had to rummage through archive photo discs yesterday for work and ran across the snaps from our trip up to PA in 2005 when we went to the Idlewild amusement park up in PA with Kevin and Chad’s family.
I found a couple pics of the long-haired, mondo-bearded hot guy I snuck a couple of shots of while we were in the water park. (*is that creepy or just another form of wildlife photography?)
This was around the time that I started finding hippy guys EXTREMELY hot.
Five years ago I would have shrieked and ran from the image above.
Now it inspires other activities.
Yes… some involving chickens.