I’ve known (of) Jake for twenty years throughElise – but we’d never met. At that time he was just just that hot waiter at Brandts – and thoroughly unobtainable. (hetero). Thanks to the evil of The Great Book of Faces we’d start chatting and pinged pretty good off each other which eventually lead to a few marathon phone shoot-the-shit-a-thons at the end of last year.
At 40 you care a lot less about whether or not someone’s an obtainable sexual conquest and a lot more about the stuff people are made of. After our inaugural hang out of last night, I can say Mr. Mote is made of some nice stuff indeed: gentle humility, empathy and healthy helping of the kind of wisdom you get from taking the longer way around the block….. Thoroughly charming.
yes yes yes….. and there’s that epic ginger beard. *faints* (I’m man-crushing a little.) He was a good sport about it and let me shoot his portrait. (I did warn him he’d likely blow up on Tumblr among my circle of friends.)
MO/BRO friendships are really rewarding… I cherish all of mine… ( and bonus… boys don’t get jealous like my beloved girlfriends who I must keep separated – less they claw eachother’s eyes out )
Received a heartwarming text the next day from Mr. Mote about the evening… He’s quite the wordsmith:
“It was lovely – and past due. You guys have this great cadence of speech with each other. It’s something that only comes with time I think, like a rhythm where the chaff of unnecessary syllables (if not entire phrases) is completely ignored. Fuzzy telepathy, maybe? So no… Thank you mister.”