stick a needle in my eye

evergreen’s revenge

So… We return from camping to find that the 50 year old, vaginormous pine tree in our front yard has started doing it’s “Fall Thing”.

Kevin meticulously manicured the lawn before we left. Now – that damn tree’s dropped so many needles you couldn’t see any grass.

So.. We spent a couple of hours running around with the lawn-sucker and got it all under control.

Went in.. Did our evening thing – went to bed…

Sometime in the middle of the night a storm passed through with some good winds and voila… You’d swear we didn’t do a damn thing.

Lawn work is gratifying but I must admit there’s this subsonic nazi peer pressure thing in the suburbs about keeping your lawn tidy.

When I woke and got my first cup of coffee for the morning I was nearly panic stricken.. It was almost like an anxiety attack.

Then I realized I was being silly.

Then I thought this would be just the kind of ridiculously mundane type of info-bytes someone would put into a blog.