
“Zed and Jim”

Last night was the 4th anniversary VIP Party for JJ’s.

Despite the lure of an open-bar, it was important I go and make an appearance… So we shook our shut-in tendencies of recent months and headed downtown.

The crowd was a wide mix of folks from local bear and leather club officers, to accountants, to area bar owners, to beer reps to loyal regulars to me…. the designer dork.

Saw tons of folks I haven’t seen in eons since we moved out of the city and became content recluses. The general reaction we got mostly was: “Oh my god – you guys DO exist!”

JJ's Anniversary

Of course came the regular fielding of questions which usually got us looks like we were Amish or something.

“No… We don’t watch television…. Yes… There’s three of us… Yes… We only own one car… No.. We don’t miss living downtown…. Yes…. We’re really happy out in the burbs…” etc.

Jeff and Jerry (the two Js of JJ’s) were beaming… They’ve worked their asses off making the bar into something and it shows. Jerry gave me a big hug and thanked me for my work… They’re always wonderfully appreciative. I try not to let their praise go straight to my ego.

We hung out for a few hours and milled around. I took a lot of photos.

We were home by 11 and eating pizza…

How did we do this several times a week before? ugh!

Nonetheless – if I had a blog I’d do something like say “Happy Anniversary JJ’s! – and if I have anything to do with it – you’ll be just as hyper-branded and over-designed in your 12th year of business as you are in your fourth!”