running scared

I love it when I sit down to a movie and it’s COMPLETELY not what I was expecting… *in a good way.

I don’t know how Running Scared got on our Netflix cue… Chad I assume… But I’m glad it did.

I sat down to it thinking it was going to be a Snatch(ey) type flick… but it wasn’t really.

Hyper violent… (but so is life)… Great writing… and the filmmaking was in that vein of creative unconventional style you started seeing emerge in films like Fincher’s Fight Club..

Lots of practical photography tricks too… If you’ve ever had the misfortune of having a film appreciation class or two like me – you’ll spend a good amount of time reaching for the remote, rewinding and saying stuff like “wow – that was really clever”.

Think this one is worthy of buying to put in the chicken.