altered states

Alright – so the office plague of TWO WEEKS ago only took me out for one day…. but lingered in the form of a relentlessly stuffy nose….. until… last night when my throat started to hurt.

Got up this morning feeling WAY worse than the last time… WTF.

Feel like I was hit by a truck… swallowing sucks… head’s heavy….

Sure – the altered state of mind is a nice curiosity… that combo illness / over-the-counter decongestant haze – I assume this is what being high on opium must feel like.

I spent the better part of my afternoon today listening to my cell phone ring in the other room, (sounding like it was under water to my ears) – all the while pretending I was in some smokey opium den in Marrakesh thumb-wrestling Wilkie Collins while Thomas De Quincey goes for beer…

Just then Samuel Taylor Coleridge threw open the heavy tapestry privacy curtain on our well pillowed booth and exclaimed… oh look a chicken.