boxing day

Boxing Day… I had to look it up on wikipedia.

Made it through another holiday in once piece… I didn’t feel the itch to write or make images through the whole weekend so kinda feel like I’m standing here empty handed for you.

In one sense I sorta feel like I missed it…

missed…. .. . what?


I said “sorta feel”…..

You can miss having a “bad time” if that’s what you’re expecting or have become used to.

Thanks to (I theorize) my new pharmacologically enhanced attention span – I just kept my eyes down and my empathy shields in overdrive through the weekend.

So.. I’m a little mentally fatigued but that’s about it.

Saturday: Our old friend Terry came by the house to visit. He went with me to store with the intention to pick up a couple of gifts for my folks – but they were out of what I wanted. So we wound up crowd watching and buying one of those smoked spiral cut sugary coated spiral cut turkey breast things,… taking it home,… and pigging out.

Saturday Night: That night I went to JJ’s Christmas party… stayed sober and saw ALL sorts of folks I haven’t seen in eons.

Sunday: Went to my dad’s house… made beef roladen… watched a movie… and shot the shit a LOT.

Monday: Went to mom’s… Farmed pleasant conversation with my uncle’s family and old friends of the family… then went to my mom’s doctor friend’s for dinner… Had a lovely conversation with newly transplanted doc and his wife from Boston. (Why are New Englanders so wicked cool?)

Today: I’m enjoying the silence…. Kiwi just stopped by on one of his regular “checking in on monkeyboy” visits. (Sorta how you ask your friends to check in on your cats while you’re on vacation).

Had a cup of coffee and traded stories.

He just left.

I’m going to turn off the phones, turn on some music and clean for a few hours and see where my mood takes me.

I hope everyone on here who wanted to – had a merry christmas. 🙂

I’ll be smearing beer-cheese on my nipples on webcam tonight.