damn near fifteen

Alright… I now know that 12 hours is about the maximum I can go in a car…. Driving or riding…. (We made it in 14.5).

Driving through Tennessee was a more scenic than any schlep through Illinois or Indiana..

We detoured through the military base town where Kevin used to be stationed and then lived immediately after his tour of duty.

Military towns are something else…. Bases, in and of themselves, are their own self-contained cities… So, outside of the gates, what you wind up getting is a ring of sin-based commerce: Tattoo parlors, pawn shops, bars, fast food chains, Wal-mart and motels…. hmm.. that’s about it.

We really didn’t have any reason to stop… The drive-through was enough for Kevin… We wound up pulling over anyway to marvel at burnt-out, yet still utilized, mid-century hotels.

I wasn’t allowed to linger though since, of course, the one part of town that aesthetically interested me the most was also the worst possible according to Kevin.

There’s a wireless hotspot here…. Too bad I don’t blog – it’d be handy to grab my morning coffee, jump on the golf cart, (yes…. golf cart – but it’s NOTHING like you’re imagining…. film at 11), and run up and make posts and stuff before the guys get up.