day two

Perhaps if you would have told me at age nineteen:
“In a decade, you will experience anger and embarrassment like you never have before over being a prisoner to an industry… a chemical.”

“Because it will kill you” – doesn’t work on young people…. they have no real concept of mortality.

“Because it will kill you” – barely works on a 30-something of our generation… though COMPLETELY mortality-aware now,… you’re bound to get an answer back like, “So will fast moving buses.”

Physical withdrawal is funny.

Kevin’s turned into a combustible asshole.

I’ve turned into a fidget freak – incapable of sitting still. (getting a lot of cleaning done though).

Chad, suspiciously, seems fine – if not a little over-attentive.

This will pass soon… The rest is all in the brain.

If I can deny keeping a blog for a year and a half – I can do anything.