
Father’s Day = Started working on the bushes in front of Dad’s my house which haven’t seen a pair of hedge clippers for probably 10 or 15 years. Good four hours was about all we could handle in the heat which got us about half-way done. My guess it will take another couple of trips… Pop was appreciative and pseudo social but lately he’s slid back into that comfy coffin he’s fashioned for himself in his head and there’s little anyone (family or pharmacology) can do to pull him out. It’s a state that inspires a heartbroken frustration in me that oft times makes me want to punch my fist through the wall.


Anyway… I noted on Friday when I glanced at odometer that the Jetta had passed 69K.

A milestone I thought…

(Shamefully) – I’ve never put that many miles before on a single car before.

Within 24 hours that novelty would quickly vanish as the clutch performed its first death song as we backed out of dad’s driveway on Sunday….

I just got off the horn with the dealership.

VWs employ some sort of “flywheel” in the clutch assembly – which adds another $900 to the job – bringing the total estimated cost to be over $2000.

Throw in an oil change and the rear break job I also need and I’m bracing for a damage bill pushing three grand.


Oh yeah – and they want the car for a few days..

double meh

Not like I can’t work from anywhere though – so no big deal.

guess I just had to belly ache about it a little to feel better.

yeah.. feel better already.