

The suns out finally.

The bulk of yesterday was spent working for the restoration client – who, in typical client fashion, decided they wanted T-Shirts made for their latest project’s ground breaking ceremony next week. One-week turn around for custom shirts is a little tight. It’s excruciatingly tight when you’re trying to work for a company who tends to run by the seat of their pants and the boss in charge of approving things is forever out of the office on job sites.

The project is an old school that’s being turned into loft apartments and is located in one of the up and coming rough spots in town near the medical school.

I decided to take my life in my hands and drive over to the site and snap some reference photos… Despite being leered at by what looked to be Snoop Dog’s back up ensemble, it was fine. But I didn’t linger either.

Returned home to find somebody has sent me a Stikfa! I assume from the Washington State return address, jodfoster is the culprit! She’s such a doll. I can’t badger my friend Duffel enough to give her a damn ring and get it over with.

This weekend is going to be nuts. I’ve got this rush project to do, a graduation party to attend, my father’s yard to work on and a mother who seems to be having a nervous breakdown on my hands.


I’m feeling too taxed to blog.