ugly archive
Maybe it was the funny conversation about audio media that brought this quandary forward in my brain.
I hate CDs.. They take up a LOT of room. No matter what tasteful shelving solution you find for them, they always look junky.
Collectively, we own over one thousand of these little loud pieces of plastic. They nearly occupy one whole wall in the back bedroom.
So… I got this wild hair while daydreaming about future “home improvements”.
Fantasy dream configuration (probably doable with a little budgeting and careful eBay watching):
Sell the two G4 cumberfuck towers, (also takes up too much space) and get Chad and Kevin their own PowerBooks.
Find a second generation G4 XServe and RAID thingie and have them rack-mounted into the closet which is to become bookshelves in the middle bedroom / den-study.
Alright.. that’s the set-up.
Now with the toys out there that enable you to link iTunes to your stereo system, it’s conceivable we could rip our entire CD collection. (with enough coffee and long weekends).
But then what??? If you think about it – it’s all just data anyway… What do we do with the CDs? From what I’ve read, if you set up your RAID right – you can have it mirror so if one drive fails, you won’t loose your files….
If I had a blog – I’d say something about how I always gain alot by folks sharing their insight on stuff.
So… If we work toward “The Dream Config” – and let’s say we rip the music collection either in that native-CD format or Apple’s “Lossless Format” so there won’t be an issue of newer / better compressions coming out in the future….