part of an incomplete breakfast
So my doctor told me I need to really eat breakfast instead of drinking coffee all day and woofing down a whole pizza at night for dinner….. Something about setting one’s metabolism into a “fasting state”…. yadie yadie yadie (insert health medical jargon).
I found the “Snapple-A-Day” meal replacement smoothie things at Costco which seemed to do the trick but they didn’t have them on the last trip so to the “health bar” isle I went. I figured I’d find… SOMETHING…
Once I got past the dazed feeling at the sheer volume of choices, I just grabbed the flavor that looked the nummiest and went on about my business.
So I’ve been eating these things for a few days – but it wasn’t until this morning that I noticed how unsettlingly Jetsons my breakfast has become”
1 Zone Perfect meal replacement bar.
1000mg Vitamin C
400 I.U. Vitamin E
650mg Garlic
1 GNC Cleansing Formula capsule.
10mg Zetia
It’s all terribly new fangled and weird…
But I suppose it’s better than getting up every morning and schlepping out eggs and bacon. Hell, I may as well spend early mornings blogging or something else silly.