Tag Archives: heath

i heart barnes

Went for my heart scan… Couldn’t bring myself to turn my head to look at the monitor… Then spent the rest of the exam pondering “why” I was so afraid to look.

It’s not like I would peer into the monitor and see a gestating xenomorph attached to my aorta waiting to burst through my chest, squeal and then run across my lifeless body, off the table, out the door and into the ventilation system to later be mistaken for the pet cat of the poor unsuspecting maintenance guy who, the poor bastard, would be grabbed by unseen hands, pulled into an adjacent dark corner and disemboweled…….. (*gasp*)….. (*pause*)

Fortunately – the eery swish-wish noise of my blood pumping broadcast through the speakers of the diagnostic device would regularly interrupt my day-dream contemplations of what horrible prognosis, (extraterrestrial or otherwise), may be awaiting me.

Then I’d get creeped out by said swish-wish noise… and my mind would start wandering again…. What was that? Should it sound that slushy? What if….

*rinse and repeat.

It didn’t occur too me to document anything until I was retrieving my car from the valet…. when I caught myself thinking about how these new advanced medicine centers are more and more closely resembling hotels.

Then I caught myself thinking I was constructing a blog entry.


“bitter” living through chemistry

Since hitting 30, I’ve decided to be a little more proactive, (read as “neurotic”), about my health, (read as “mortality”).

At my physical last May, I got brow beat by Dr. Sandy. Apparently I had gained a LOT of weight since last time I was in and my lab work suggested that my blood closely resembled margarine in viscosity. I was given a few months to straighten up, otherwise she was going to slap me with a script.

Dr. Sandy is an interesting woman. She reminds me of that super-smart girl we all knew back in school who’d actually be strikingly beautiful if she just pulled her head out of a book and looked in a mirror once in a while. She’s been taking care of my tubby ass since I graduated from pediatric care.

Well – good news… I’ve shimmied off about 25 pounds from the 248 last May.. And – I dropped my cholesterol significantly… But not enough. Perhaps my diet wasn’t strict enough, (sure the pizza in Chicago didn’t help)… or it could simply be a genetic predisposition to these problems. So – I was sent on my way with a script for something called “Zetia” in hand, and told to report back in late October.

I’m kind of creeped out by the concept that I’m now reliant on a pharmaceutical. I don’t even like to take aspirin.

I’m sure this sounds like pansy-ass whining to my friends who have to deal with the pill-carnival of HIV management. I mean them no disrespect. If anything – I have an altered perspective that at least right now I can’t really articulate. The change of perspective that comes when you’re told: “Here, you need to take these in order to increase your chances of living longer, – oh yeah, and they’re a small fortune. Have a nice day!”

Humph.. “increase your chances of living”… I wonder if they have a pill to help your chances of not getting struck by a speeding bus or not being in an office building bombarded by airplanes.

I’m feeling mortal – and the weak ass stab at immortality via blog probably won’t help. – so I won’t.