Tag Archives: relationship

6 as 3

Every morning before I leave for work I slip Flax Seed Oil and a multi-vitamin in the little elastic band on Chad’s wallet.

It’s good for him since left to his own devices, he’ll tend to forget to take them.

It’s good for me because it’s a quick moment,… every morning,… a micro-ritual where I pause to say “Your well being is important to me.”

The absolute gravity of that declaration smacks my throat with towel wrapped bar of soap on this day…. The day Kevin and I approached our buddy Chad and said:

fuck convention, we love you, let’s live our lives together.

We chose Valentines Day for cliché, commercially convenient reasons…

That we celebrate this anniversary on this sticky sweet holiday for lovers is where our similarities to traditional, species-survival oriented pairings (and their homosexual act-alikes), ends.

Somewhere in the past six years we grew tired of trying to define ourselves by what we are not.

What we are is in awe…. in gratitude… in love…


To Chad, the reason why we even pause today – Happy Anniversary….

And you my beloved old battle axe Kalzabar… a smile, a wink and commercial KISSâ„¢.

I’m babbling in love.

so i married a lunatic

insert howl

Lu”na*cy, n.; pl. Lunacies. [See Lunatic.] 1. Insanity or madness; properly, the kind of insanity which is broken by intervals of reason, — formerly supposed to be influenced by the changes of the moon; any form of unsoundness of mind, except idiocy; mental derangement or alienation. –Brande. –Burrill.

“Formerly Supposed”… As the loving partner of a lunatic, I can assure you this temporary state is indeed brought on by the big chunk of rock orbiting this planet. I have over 60 personal case studies under my belt.

It’s that stretch of four days every month where, rest assured, if I locked myself in the back room and hid – I’d STILL do SOMETHING to piss off my beloved loony.

When you love someone – you don’t want to displease them. If you’re prone to taking everything personally as I do, you’ll interpret your protested actions, (word choice, vacillation over dinner, leaving my shorts on the floor,… breathing), as a personal failure.

devcubber claims to suffer from lunacy as well. (another check on the endless creepy similarity list to Kevin). In this one instance, Andy’s lucky because he’s out of town five out of seven days.

side tangent:
Why is “Prone to take things too personally” seen as a personality defect?

If you’re not interpreting something “personally” – then in who’s shoes are you processing information? This seems schizophrenic to me.

We’ve all got our mental maladies. Mine are year-round.

Meanwhile, the moon will wane and I’ll get Kevin back.

I’ll remember this time to fill in iCal with the information I found on this handy reference.

No! I’m not blogging.. No really… I swear I was just sitting here. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.