Tag Archives: software


My wednesday off – however I’m spending some time this morning studying the wisdom you wonderful pixel-geeks took the time to share yesterday….. I’m GOING to get my head around this.

Meanwhile – considering my “mastery” of PhotoShop dates back to version 3… (I never really learned 7’s capabilities, nor did I ever own it “honestly”)….

I ordered PS-CS2 yesterday… After playing 20 questions, the nice customer service rep was able to track down my original serial number so I could get the upgrade price… *choke…. skims down grocery budget for next month*.

Guess it’s time to stop resting on the skill-set I mastered… urr.. uhhhh.. a decade ago and EVOLVE.

Speaking of evolve… While ordering I read more about the Adobe / Macromedia merge…. Not sure how I feel about this… That there will now eventually be only “ONE” source for creative / design software. What will that do to the design industry? to the Art? Granted – everyone’s vision is their own… But… If “everyone” is using the same tools, techniques, filters, etc… doesn’t that create a DANGEROUS potential for homogenization?

Meanwhile – With a kitten around the house – you’re never short excuses to take and share pictures…. and I don’t have an image relative to this entry…..

which doesn’t exist.