Tag Archives: spoerndle


bloghold, subcategory = monkeys, nanocatogery = i said monkeys

serial hook = too busy to blog

commentary = I’ve been fascinated with Cinder (died February, 2009) since I first saw her as a youngster about seven years go. I got to check in on her last Sunday during our Zoo trip with the nieces. The day was spring-cliche beautiful.

interesting: Reese, (the toddler), is inexplicably afraid of hoofed animals.


I’ve been stretching these pics from the roadtrip a little too far out…

It’s better than not writing anything during these super busy weeks back in the saddle – but at this rate I’m sticking myself in this virtual two-week time-warp. It’s going to screw me up.

I think I know what it is… I got a nag mail from Livejournal telling me I need to pony up my yearly fee… this journal is officially three years old now and I catch myself mentally browning out when I start thinking about it… not the journal itself – but the “purpose”… the “urrr.. why am I doing this again?” Part update for friends and family out of town?… Part attention whoring?… Part creative self-titillation?… I’ll keep feeling around for the point until I prick my finger on it… bare with me.

Speaking of family… Akron was one of the stops on the way back and spent time with Kevin’s sister’s family.

Her kids are growing like weeds… The oldest rugrat, “Jessie” – is a TOTAL PRINCESS… and considering my affinity for spoiled women – we get along just fine. She’s also a complete hambone and could work me and my Nikon like a pro.

Reese – the younger one is already wired for rebellion…. incredible intelect… just a little darkly mischievous – and if it’s possible to apply this description to a toddler: “Sardonic”? As a result – I found myself connecting better with her.

Is it alright for uncles to play favorites? Chicken?

more about the trip

Still going through pics from the road trip… I can’t possibly visually recap the experience without touching on the niece and nephew.

This particular trip north was noteworthy because Kevin’s mom, sister (and family) went camping mere minutes from Chad’s folks – so both clans got to meet each-other.

It all went just fine – and Kevin’s niece and Chad’s nephew hit it off great… almost like too great…

I accused their parents of projecting on them since both sides have been making arranged marriage jokes since both these toddlers were still in the oven.

One of the days up there was spent at a modestly-scaled, (yet really cute) amusement park called Idle Wild.

Cedar-Point thrill-seeking junkies would find the park remedial – but for small-ones it’s great. And – it – and… well… without a doubt – it “was” all about little Chase and Jessie…. Didn’t take a psychologist to figure out that one… Just ask the proud father turned strange digital documentary creature with the camera and camcorder simultaneously stuck to his head.

By Hour 2 in the park:
This place was toddler central.. I mean wall-to-wall… I caught myself looking around at all these parents who had to be my age if not a tad younger with all these children in tow…. These little people… I started thinking – “wow – that’s so cool – these are the people who are going to be populating, (and running), the earth in a few decades..” And then I thought about the deep relevance of that… immortality through genetic code.. yadie yadie yadie yadie yadie… and wound up getting kinda glum and depressed because we can’t do that…. glum transcended into gut wrenching guilt over leaving my parents grandchildless… and yes.. I’m the end of the family line… our side of the tree at least… (insert Morrissey song here).

By Hour 11 in the park:
Kids are great and everything – but ya want to know something? They’re also exhausting, bottomless pits of thankless attention.Mankind will survive, (or self-annihilate) just fine without my code mingling in the pool.

So hats off to all ya out there that are like breeding and stuff – you’re made of amazing stuff… but I think I can comfortably put the whole concept of having kids in the same category as New York: “Great place to visit – but I wouldn’t want to live there”.

(Thank goodness Andrew is 9.)

I’m not blogging… (or breeding).

heading out


Cleaning and chilling out was about all we did yesterday. All of the immediate family came over to sit and socialize. It seems like the only time I can sit through an NFL game is in the company of clan-West.

Today we pull out for PA…

The end of the driveway is piled up with an alarming amount of trash from the party. I resisted the urge to get preachy about recycling.

I resisted the urge to plug Dysons.

I’m resisting the urge to blog.