9 periods

*ENLARGE* cause I’m starting to hate 500px wide


Godson had a basketball game last night and devcubber asked if we wanted to go.

Of course we said yes and met up with them at Andrew’s school around 6:30.

Never been to one of these little-league type things before… Hell. I’d never been to a basketball game before.

This is a school sponsored / parent-volunteer run thing.. Big Andy was the ref that night.

Gymnasium floors are WAY harder to sit on than I remember.

I took pictures.

Our team, (yellow) – lost.

Mothers in the stands can be downright DURH-TEA conversationalist with eachother – and then, on a dime – turn and yell “way to go honey – don’t forget the rebound! Yeahhh!”…

While the periods unfolded on the court – we attempted to mentally comfort Elise who had her own goin on elsewhere.


*dial tone*