Tag Archives: andrew crippen


New Years… Same as we do every year… w/ the VanCrips.

Differences this year:

Worrying about Dad.

The boy, (Andrew), is growing freakishly big… I wager next year he’ll be looking us square in the eye and saying “happy new year!”

The whole bathroom upheaval… no… still not done yet… more on that later if I can summarize it all without blowing the blood vessels in my eyes.

sorry – gotta go poop.


Independence Day… Went to the Webster Groves parade… Got too much sun… hung out at Elise’s parents house… ate susages, dipped our feet in the pool… went home for naps… reunited back at VanCrippens for amateur blow-stuff-up in the street in front of their house.

The “big” display normally put on by Grant Farm was canceled because of some real estate development stink over there….

so’kay – the display Andy -n- Andrew put on was just fine.

1200 square foot house w/ beer hall

Andrew (godchild) knows we’re getting ready to have some work done to the house… So he sent over his floorplan for the back room…. umm.. I mean “Dart (and Beer) Hall”.

I don’t think we have the square footage in the back for bar… but still – I’m sticking this in with my plans / notes / archive for the house.

such a cool kid.

pine wood

While we’re talking about the boy,… we went to his last cub-scout pinewood derby over the weekend… (next year he hits middle school and will either drop scouting entirely or move up to the boy-scouts).

Not much has changed since I was a cub scout…. except they now use a laptop computer tied to sensors at the end of the course to track the score.

Just like 25 years ago, you could sketch psychological profiles of the participants by observing the cars:

“Budding Artist”
“Apathetic Introvert”
“Athletic Over Achiever”
“Scientific Nerdy-Bird”
“Overbearing Dad Did Mine”.

Andrew’s car performed respectably – but didn’t win – which didn’t phase him… Something as silly as exhibition-style, wildly mis-matched competition rolls right off the boy’s precocious back. (and it’s that which makes *me* proud of the kid – not having the fastest piece of pine wood.)

Babble Babble Babble.