for elise

So as I’m hanging up Christmas Cards I notice one I didn’t catch while batch opening… The envelope had the forward sticker on it from our old address. A whacky card signed by “Elise… Your Mystery Friend”…

Elise and I became friends when she worked for me as my business manager at my first design company venture right out of college. After the business crashed and my old business partner and I went our separate ways, Elise and I remained friends.

She had her first baby and I cycled through relationships and we fell out of touch.

For the past three or four years, we’d talk about once a year on the phone.

The card got me giggling and then I realized… “Wait a second… Since we’ve moved to Crestwood, she only lives right down the street!!!!”

Elise defies description. Spunky… Genuine…. Frighteningly intelligent…. Whacky as hell.

We rang her up, and decided it must be a sign and we MUST get together.

She came over, her baby now a young boy in tow.

We bedazzled the kid by showing him the PS2, XBox AND GameCube and told him the whole entertainment system was his and us grown ups took to the new dining room to down Shiraz, nibble cheese and devour each other’s much missed company.

Even-though we haven’t seen each other in three years – it was like we just got together last week. Elise is just one of those friends.

We had a great time – and wound up taking the party down the street to her house once it was little Andy’s bedtime.

New Years Resolution:
More Elise.
and No Blogging.