

My cell phone vibrated itself off the dresser while we were in Cayman and hit the nice hard tile floor.

It still worked after the fall…

Except the 1, 2, 3 and left-side menu / context button (Send) didn’t work…. or the “up” arrow on the directional pad.

This made the act of accessing the phone book and dialing the phone rather comic.

Cingular sent me a the replacement with instructions on how to take the battery and this thing called a “Sim Card” out of my old phone and put it into the replacement.

The card holds all of my pertinent, (to the phone company), information.

It’s an easily dismissible act… puling out and reinstalling this tiny little 64K wafer that would make a skimpy after dinner mint…. Hell – I have a thirty GIGABYTE device that’s thinner than a pack of smokes and plays music *and* video…

Context is funny.

I didn’t think of my ipod… I remembered being an eleven year old boy hanging out in the neighbor girl’s basement and marveling at her Commodore 64…. A device with the same memory, but the size of an electric typewriter.

I snapped myself out of the self-induced “woooah-dooood” and got the new phone working.

Fourteen voice-mails.



*dial tone*