
I’m going to take this week and clear out the folder I keep on my laptop labeled “blog hold”… It’s full of pics and stuff that I’ve wanted to share with you over the past year, but for whatever reason pack-ratted the content away instead.

Like this clipping from the local suburban newspaper with its front-page story about the new “Homeland Security” program available for high-school-aged tech-school students…

The program teaches them about the various threats from terrorists attack like nuclear and chemical weapons… as well as how to spot trouble in their community… you know… because renegade, radical Islamist terror cells *could* be operating in suburban Saint Louis,…. … .. . MISSOURI.

I wonder what else they’re training these kids to be on the “look-out” for… (not flushed-out in the article).

but shhhish… I”m just being paranoid I’m sure.

So here’s the clipping… showing a young, blonde haired, blue-eyed participant in the program in front of a county cruiser…. Wearing his uniform… comprised of a brown shirt and a black tie….

what was that about paranoid?

what was that about me babbling endlessly?

PS: I’m fairly certain I can hear my granddad rolling in his grave from here.