
I ate nothing but fish yesterday… Breakfast, lunch and dinner.. I think whatever my body was craving has been satisfied.

Rico, who we haven’t really spent any quality time with in months and months – came over after biz hours and hung out…

We sat the entire evening and just caught up… I made my first shi-shi capo-fruppo-fuckme drink using Darth… I just like espresso over iced milk so I had to guess on how to make “real” fancy coffee type drinks. Apparently the chocolate caramel cinnamon coffee frothy thing, (correct name anyone?) – was a hit – Rico approved, gobbled it down and we were wired for sound and running our mouths till nearly 1am.

Now… every-time we see Rico – he’s got a new gadget. I’d argue that there’s a pathology to this obsession – but then again – I’m the ass who owns a four-hundred dollar vacuum cleaner.. so I’ll shut up about that…

His LATEST gadget though completely freaked me out.

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I’ve said before that the only things that make me “feel” like I’m living in the 21st Century are Listerine Strips and WiFi networks… Well.. time to add another to the list… “Bluetooth” stuff.

When he walked in I noticed this rather large earpiece in his ear… to which I made a snarky Lt. Ohera comment and told him he’d look better with a beehive hairdo and moved on with babbling.. until… I noticed it didn’t have any wires on it…

Later when I got the demonstration I learned that this little earpiece communicates with this cell phone which he keeps tucked into his pocket…. It uses some language called “Bluetooth” which, conceptually, can be built-into in everything from things like his phone to toaster ovens.

I remembered seeing something that said “Bluetooth” in my laptop… so we set the phone next to my computer – I found the control panel to turn it on… it detected the phone and I suddenly could access the files stored on it.

It was at about that moment I got the techno-gitters and had to step away from the computer because… well… it was just that damn creepy. I mean.. cool… but creepy too.

I suppose I’m just being paranoid…. I can envision a near future where I’ll be wondering if my portable computer isn’t conspiring against me along with the microwave, my electric toothbrush and the paper shredder.

Can’t blog – I gotta go evaluate which kitchen appliances would be the most dangerous in the event of a revolt.