fall cleaning and caffeine

I’m out of the gate late this morning and don’t have a lot of time…

Caffeine Revelation:
Caffeine sensitivity must change when you get older… If I drink a pop or coffee (even just one) after 7PM, I can’t get a restful night of sleep.

I had one last night and spent the evening tossing and turning and waking up every 45 minutes… This may have something to do with the Straterra since historically I used to be able to down a double espresso drink and take a nap.

Nonetheless – I wound up staying in bed this morning until the absolute critical last second before having to jump up, shower, get dressed and get into the office.

Got an incredible amount of work done going through those boxes that have been cluttering up the house since we moved in… Now there’s a big pile to go to dad’s basement… and another for what we’ve decided will be a “Haunted Car Port Sale” for next month.

Retail outing for spooky decorations and 25¢ dead mum hunting at the hardware store… (I don’t think they’ve paid more than two bits for any of the mums in the house which are turning into huge bushes at this point).

More thoughts chicken.