girls night out


devcubber‘s boys left for the weekend to road-trip to New Mexico to go pick up their new “toy”… (A Harley Davidson fatboy). I’m as torn about it as Elise is I think. The thought of big Andy on a fatboy has me squeeling like a school girl. The thought of my god-son on a motorcycle has my guts in knots worrying. “Andrew wear your helmet and don’t let your dad go over twenty miles an hour!”

Freed from her wifely and motherly duties for the weekend, Elise requested we “go out”.

“Go Out” – you mean like go outside?… Like off our property outside?

The concept is as alien to us anymore as it is a novelty to her.

They were having a luau party at JJ’s – so we dug through the closets and threw together our best attempts at “islander wear”.

Once we got our outfits together, then came the annoying factor I all but forgot about.. “Waiting to go out.” We burned time by doing faux fashion shoots in the dining room.

Despite waiting – we still were out unfashionably early. There was still a decent crowd though.

Ran into a bunch of people we haven’t seen in a coons-age. Played pool… Monopolized the juke box…

Overall it was almost like we didn’t leave our little bubble. We simply just carried it with us.

It did dawn on me about the “going out on the weekend” thing. It’s not a judgment call but more-so an evaluation: It barely did anything for us before, and even less now.

JJ’s, (like most bars I assume), flips character on weekend nights… The mood shifts from our preferred casual happy hour dive to meat-market.

I caught myself thinking, “boy… If I was single I’d have a lot to do here tonight”.

Probably if we had another four our five people with us – it would have turned into the slap-happy, dance-floor burning blow-out we were hoping for.

We could have gone to the twinky-disco – but our middle-aged clocks kicked in and going home to eat pasta and cookies won out.

Nonetheless – it was fun to do something different.

My internal clock is whacked now though. It still gets me up at dawn but I’m a little more sluggish than usual – making it more of a challenge to do stuff like field emails, figure out my schedule and not blog.