
wait a second… did I just blink or something… wasn’t there just a weekend somewhere in there?

Sunday: Mother’s Day… Gave mom a wad of roses and *attempted* to take her to brunch… I didn’t make reservations thinking we’d find *somewhere* to eat… (I missed the memo about Mother’s Day being the busiest restaurant day). After an hour and a half of wandering the city we wound up at Steak n’ Shake. I apologized profusely and promised a better brunch in the near future.

Saturday: Some work, then Dad’s, Costco, Nap, hung out at Steve and Leah’s… in that order.

Friday: Late night with Elise over. Prior to that was a busy / productive work-day with a real nice lunch break of walking down the street with archigoddess Erin to the still kinda newishContemporary Art Museum

I’d been to the neighboring Pulitzer building – but had never made it in to see the newer MCA…

It’s a big, stark concrete box.

I love it.

We grabbed sandwiches at sandwich counter, (a Wolfgang Puck kiosk) and sat in courtyard which made realize just how much I really *do* love minimalism.

I’d have better luck pursuing immortality than minimalism-as-lifestyle – but it still turns me on.

I’ve realized though it’s impossible to achieve chicken.