
It was creepy warm for Mardi-Gras this year.

Instead of parking a mile away and hiking in – we took the shuttle this year… It worked out nicely.

As usual – we hung at the two private parties we’re lucky enough to get invited to every year… It’s nice to stand in a private yard, (with your own porta-potty and food supply), as hundreds of thousands of drunk folks mill around just on the other side of the fence.

Winter sun, downtown haze and MY #$%$@#$%^#$@%^$#@#$%#!@@#Q$@#^$% camera’s persnickety, often easily forgotten WHITE BALANCE control insured that most of the photographs I took looked like they were seen through fish-tank.

Sorta cranky this morning and lacking the desire to go through and pound out the levels to correct them… but here’s ONE of Menard street… and another of Janet’s back yard, (a triple lot – UNHEARD OF in Soulard), complete with home-made picnic table / bonfire / used to be a large industrial spool of something.

I’m not blogging…. I’m running back to bed to get up on the opposite side and see if that helps.