mother Nature was pissed

brewing overhead

Monday night we had one of those trademark, extremely violent midwest thunderstorms. I take them for granted because I’ve lived here all my life… It’s not until we’ve got friends in from out of town who freak from their drama and power that I’m reminded that these don’t happen everywhere. I suppose this is like the sense of awe that overcomes when I travel west and see “Big Skies”.

Babybear is a weather-dot-com junky so once the spotted the black-wall in the sky headed our way, he was up pecking in the web browser and pulling up doplar maps.

inset images of storm

Keeping in mind that all too often you’ll pass right by really neat free entertainment in your own back yard, (or in your own local atmosphere in this case), – we grabbed our sodas and some cookies and ran out to the carport for the show.

Violent thunderstorms make some people want to make wild passionate love. They tend to make me want to seek shelter.

The storm was a beast…. and at the sake of sounding anthropomorphic – this one was PISSED.

Ball lighting shot across the horizon while we watched a mass that you’d swear came out of a special effects house turn overhead.

We’re just east of Kirkwood, (see map) – so we didn’t even get the full brut of it… But still got high winds, electrical fireworks and hail.

I heard that over four hundred thousand homes had their power knocked out… (This would include everyone on the other side of our street). They still don’t have power this morning. We lucked out I suppose, but our elderly neighbors say with a strange elistism in their voice: “That side of the neighborhood ALWAYS looses power… “WE” seldom do. (*knocks on wood*)

I’m not blogging – I’m dreaming about the humbling display of nature from the other night.