
not UNO

jodfoster called around 10am… They got a flat tire in Warrington and where limping their truck to the closest truck-stop. Bliss – the house cleaning gods have smiled upon me and given me a two hour bonus buffer for getting the house picked up.

Shannon and Duffel arrived by around 1pm, road weary but still excited to see us.

These two have to be the cutest, best paired couple I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Duffel is a tinkering, engineering genius packaged with the wonder and fidgeting skills of a 12-year old – all trapped in a 31 year old’s body. “Duffel” has turned into a verb among the film production professionals in Seattle. (Similar to how you’d use the word Mcguyver”).. Example: “Go Duffel that broken HMI light mount would you?”

Shannon and Duffle

Shannon – is this tiny firecracker, small enough to pick up and put in your pocket to take home. But think twice, because you’ll more than likely blow your hand off. She’s a straight-talking, no bullshit tom-boy… No wonder Duffel’s in heaven… He’s got a “buddy” as WELL as a “girlfriend”. – and it’s also no wonder that devcubber and Shannon hit it off so well that afternoon. Elise will be the first person to tell you: “I hate women…They’re pissy… All of my friends are boys.”.

I let the girls estrogen-bond and I caught up on some sleep from being tummy-ill all morning.

Duffel ran out and picked up an old mutual friend and we sat around and played some variation of Poker till midnight.

They’ve got to head back as soon as they’re up… They’re driving Shannon’s company truck, picked up from Kansas, back to Seattle.

Now THAT is one hell of a haul.

Now THIS is not a blog.