Coming into the season when veggies are plentiful and varied,… I stopped by the store to stock up for what’s becoming our annual stir-fry rut. (‘Cause baked macaroni casseroles just don’t sound good when it’s pushing 100 outside. That and we don’t want to heat up the house with the stove).
I used to be a fan of Kraft Sweet’n Sour squeezy sauce for dipping stuff into…
…until we turned into idealistic blow-hard, (because we finally have the lung capacity to do so), – ex-tobacco-smokers.
Kraft is “Altria”… which sounds like a sensible sedan from Nissan… but it’s not,… It’s Philip Morris.
Our ban of Kraft and their connection to the tobacco industry is really just a smug side note… Without opening the evidence box labeled: “The crooked disingenuous dealings of the Tobacco Industry”.
It could be argued that they’re just a big company that’s diversifying into other markets.
And that’s where I point a paranoid finger: to the fear of Oligopolies – which at least to me seems counter-capitalistic.
(I’ve catch myself thinking about this stuff on the way home in rush hour).
Hmm… I’m not *totally* a socialist… and not *totally* a capitalist… Why isn’t there a model that marries the potential-tapping benefits of capitalism *and* social-responsibility?… “Social Capitalism”?
I’d later google around a bit and discover these mediations were hardly ground-breaking or new.
It just seems like a really good idea for these days of creepy corruption and greed mongering.
I have to do some more reading before I start proclaiming myself as a “Social Capitalist” though.
woooah.. wait – this was going to just be a short discussion about the fluke antique bottle of Kraft Squeezy-Sweet-n-Sour which had eluded purchase and lives on the shelf next to it’s younger siblings.
guess I kinda got off on a chicken.