stoplight charity

grand and 44

Totally nomadic day.

I’m starting to wish St. Louis was as progressive as other cities that have wireless internet all over the place. I’ve heard however that the city is putting in wireless in an 8 square block area downtown. (In the trendy loft district where our next studio was “going” to be).

In the meantime I suppose I just need to plot my loiter map based on Starbucko’s and Panera.

While heading to one of my sign manufacturing vendors I got caught at the notoriously slow light at Grand and 44 and the next wave of sleet and freezing rain. A homeless man was pacing the concrete island between north and southbound traffic.

He appeared roughly the same age as, and at a quick glance resembled, my dad. Creepy.

His sign struck me. “will work” and “food” were bold – and contrary to the cliche – he was asking for “clothing” and “shelter”. Somehow in just those few seconds of summing him up I got the feeling this man was genuinely in need.

What turn of bad luck had put this man on the street? Will he freeze tonight? Where did he get a sharpie to make his sign?

A side tangent in my mind thought: “The storm is going to get worse, you could let him sleep on the air mattress and strip the paint off the closets in the master bed for the next couple of days..” – Of course, my good natured knee-jerk reaction was checked by the knowledge that my partners would not approve of my Mother Teresa intentions, let alone allowing a transient into our home.

As he passed my car I rolled down my window and asked… “You smoke?”

He replied with a big toothless smile.

I handed him my half full pack of cigarettes and a lighter and said “Let me take your picture”.

The light turned green and I went about my day – to return to my HOME (which I’ve been reminded to be very thankful for)…

My good karma deed for the day done.

It was charity – not blog content gathering.