Tag Archives: anniversary

a day

*Now* you’ll be able to see the irony of that poster I got via email yesterday.

Kevin opened his present from me this morning… Kalzabar approves.

Today’s 6.15… the day Kev and I met…. our informally observed “anniversary”.

I caught my mom kinda awkwardly trying to emote “congratulations” last night on the phone… Comforting her helped me realize and articulate some stuff.

“It’s not like we’re married mom… The formality and heavy custom shit you feel like you should be acknowledging just isn’t there…. Tomorrow’s simply the day:”

• we’ll toast the fantastic improbability of our paths crossing….
• we’ll take note of the distance we’ve traveled together since crossing….
• we’ll pause and ask: “Shall we continue?”


yes shall we?

happy anniversary my nemesis love.

six fifteen

Up early this morning and running…. packing my gear up frantically to get outa the door to race over to dad’s to take his sick dog to the vet before racing downtown to work… wait.. what’s this?

A wrapped present fell out of my briefcase.

I kept downing coffee and packing while I tore open the present:

heyyy.. The Toy Story movies on DVD… I’ve been wanting those…. aww they’re so sweet – they must have picked up the dvd’s yesterday while chad was off knowing I’ve had a stressy week and could use the pick-me-up.

Where’s my keys? oh yes.. there they are.

what’s this? oh a card…

fuck – I need to call Tony about our upcoming travel arrangements to Maine.

awwwwwwww… it sez “i love you” on the cover..

they’re so sweet.

Piss – I better call my intern and tell him I’m going to be late due to the Vet trip.

*opens card*

“Happy Anniversary”

*pause for dramatic effect*

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Had I not been running out the door to play dog ambulance – I would have sat down to make a blog entry and eventually have to type the numbers: 6-15.



The day Kevin and I met…. what we observe as our anniversary.

well… more like what KEVIN observed and once again I’ve completely spaced on.

I’ve gotten dangerously close to spacing in prior years – but have always caught myself in just a nick of time.

But not this morning. And there I was already late to get to dads… No time to sneak out to the florist and schnucks for a card to fake it and feign like I had it together all along.

I swear – this is the stuff martyr-prone virgos live for….

Ha! Damn you Kalzabar… You got me!

Feh… *what he doesn’t know is he’d had me all along… since 6.15.1999.

ok… help.. I’ve acknowledged spacing on the date… now what do I do?

3 for 5


Alright… Over the past few years I’ve noticed a lot of folks on here find Valentine’s Day bitter fodder… A fabricated, (aren’t all holidays?), commercial-driven construct there to rub their noses in their own loneliness and anguish.

Well – fish I say… You can be a valentine without sticking your private parts into someone… (or visa versa) Actually… take this blog for example… If you’re reading it – chances are you’ve hung around for quite a while listening to me prattle on about whatever…. That denotes a kind of personal relationship doesn’t it? – *one I’m very grateful of actually.

To all of you who have followed along all this time: My invisible therapists… My secret concubines… My virtual girlfriends….

Be my valentine today! Let’s run off and make googly eyes at each other, giggle and throw chocolates at one another.

As for my two reality-based lovers:

I still mean every word I said.

We’ve been 3 longer than we’ve been anything else…. and I have trouble imagining an existence *being* anything else….

I hope we all make it to a time when I can sit down and say: “We’ve been three longer than I’ve *been*” – which I guess would put me around… 64ish..

(insert schmoopy Beetles reference).

Happy 5 Years guys… I love you both.


*dial tone*


At some point yesterday I jotted down the date in my work journal and paused for a moment… Something… urrr… wait a second… hmmmmmmm….

I wasn’t sure why – but with the six big bones on my plate at the office I didn’t ponder too long before the phone rang and I was off on the serial chain of distractions called a “day job”.

It wasn’t until later when Chad coaxed my memory on the phone that I knew why I was mentally stuttering earlier:

June 15th….. 1999…. Kevin and I met.

A quick stop by the store on the way home made sure I had tokens of appreciation… I was greeted in return with a “freshened up” kitchen with newly organized drawers, spice containers, little baskets for onions and potatoes, new towels, etc. etc. etc.

We went out for a really nice steak dinner and then headed over to Elise’s house for the ultimate in romantic evenings: Helping her assemble her bedroom set she just ordered from West Elm. Believe it or not, the evening couldn’t have been more appropriate and really nice.

Six years… woah…

You know you’ve been with someone for a long time when they’ve been around longer than most of the garments in your closet.

Kinda think of it,… he’s a lot like that favorite sweater we all have and don’t want to throw away.

Fuzzy… Comfortable… A few snags here and there… You’ve debated tossing it more than once – but you can’t imagine going a chilly fireside Sunday without it.

So who knows.. at this rate it’ll be 2019 and I’ll be metaphor slinging about some 20 year old garment I refuse to get rid of… and then subsequently deny I’m writing about it.

Happy Anniversary you old bastard. I still love ‘ya.