Tag Archives: holiday


Woke Saturday morning to a yard full-o-eggs… Little plastic two-tone lavender and robin’s egg ones…. Some with candy… some with none.

why am I rhyming?

We thought it was another cute PTA fundraiser for the Lindbergh district behind which Elise was no doubt the orchestrator.


It was my mom…

We retaliated by making her a basket with chocolate almond treats (she loves) and Peeps, (she loathes). We also made a basket for my dad and little Andrew.

Easter day we got invited to my mother’s friend’s home for their annual pot-luck Easter brunch and easter-egg hunt.

These folks live in a very nice part… of a very nice part of St. Louis called Webster Groves. (Joan and her woofy Japanese-American hubby are doctors and don’t want for very much besides new tax shelters).

One of the neighbors shows up in a bunny suit and once everyone’s done eating, the kids are sequestered into the house while bunny and a handful of guest-helpers litter the football field front yard.

The kids all freaked and had a great time…. Meanwhile I though how refreshing it was to eat sushi on Easter oh look at chicken.


kevin and my dad – illegally launching crackle bombs

Went to my pop’s yesterday. He had a bag of fireworks for us to explode.

He was fighting off a stomach bug so we didn’t hang out too long – but long enough to burn through most of the ground blooms, smoke and crackle bombs.

It got up to 100 degrees yesterday so being outside wasn’t terribly pleasant either.

Got up this morning with a sore tummy as well – and went back to bed.

and her beau Duff are visiting today… Going to eat a handful of TUMS and try to get the house put together.

I’m not blogging – I’m running to the bathroom to hurl again.

heavenly hash

2 decades’ old in-joke

I was a zombie most of the weekend… hell – I think I am still actually in power-off / reset mode wrapping my head around the professional crap of late.

Yesterday morning I stopped by my dad’s for a cup of Easter coffee and seek wisdom about what to do with the frustrating business climate and the decisions I’ve made to adapt.

When I returned home I was welcomed to a huge spread on the table waiting for me… Apparently the Easter Bunny visited while I was gone.. (Also read as Chad and Kevin went way… way… WAYYYYY outa their way to sneakily put together an Easter present for me to cheer me up)…. Mission accomplished… Hello-Kitty basket with a Ferrero Rocher (monkeybear crack) gift egg, peanut butter / chocolate bunny, jelly beans, a schmoopy card and 5… count em FIVE Stikfas kits.

My nightmares of late have been purely a product of my rampantly insecure, neurotic subconscious. And if the gesture of a the material gift didn’t do it – then the smiles, hugs and declarations of: “We don’t care what your business does or what you do.. You’re stuck with us for the long haul – so what if you wind up in a cardboard box… just get one big enough for a king size bed ok?”
Christ – I don’t deserve them.

Speaking of Christ… Back to Easter…..

My mom stopped by with a little basket of goodies for us… Complete with a piece of Heavenly Hash – what possibly has to be one of the longest running in-jokes in my family.

(A Heavenly Hash Easter Egg has a marshmallow core surrounded by chocolate and nuts)

Sometime when I was about 9 or 10 years old I received a Heavenly Hash egg from our neighbors… It was a particularly heavy Easter that year… I had chocolate coming out my ears.

easter goodies

I remember noticing a few odd bites out of the egg here and there – but didn’t really pay attention… until…. One day when I returned home from school I opened the box to the egg to find a wadded piece of marshmallow core with just a little bit of the top of the outer chocolate and nut casing remaining. The egg looked like you had dipped it into a pool of piranha.

I came out from my room and asked “What happened to my egg?” – to which my mom stonewalled and said she didn’t know what I was talking about….

I would get the same denial over the next few days… Thanks to 10-year-old attention spans I quickly let it go… but never forgot.

For the next 12 some odd years my mother would insist that she had no idea what I was talking about when I brought it up. I can’t remember when she finally came clean and fessed up – but I’m pretty sure I was in college.

So.. ever since… She always gets me a little Heavenly Hash for Easter.

Ironically (or more like Genetically) – I don’t like Marshmallow – and will only pick off the chocolate and nuts. One of these days I should box up the remains of one of them and re-gift it back to mom just to be a smart ass.

oh oh – better not blog about this – that’ll blow the punch line.



The idea hamsters in chrisglass‘s head have been at it again . Ironic coming from the friend who introduced me to LiveJournal in the first place.

A well branded solution for a cyber-socially awkward phenomena…

Let’s be frank.. If you maintain a blog, you’re practicing a form self- congratulatory, psycho-dick-spank. It’s the Christmas-time “family newsletter” you get from the Joneses taken to the information age and executed at a near nauseatingly daily level.

That attack withstanding, I’ve become aquatinted with some really great folks on here that I hope one day to meet.

Plus – you “do” gain a perspective and understanding of your own life when you take the time to “package” it for mass-consumption – so I’ll admit there are therapeutic aspects to LiveJournal.

The anatomy of my friends list is comprised of:

1) People I truly give a shit about and like to check in on their lives, no matter how boring their posts may be.

2) Strangers who’s content is truly entertaining, insightful, etc.

3) Folks who, out of a strange feeling of obligation, were added to my read-list because they added me and are either so boring or so dark and gloomy that I wince every time a post of theirs shows up in my friends-view.

There are interesting folks out there who have read-list me and I’ve either been too lazy or absent minded to add them.

Nobody likes rejection… So I won’t start off a new year by hacking the fat from my read list when I should be removing it from my diet.

There’s just no nice way I guess to say… “You Bore My Browser”. (phraseology credit: sinnabor).

I’ll quietly axe folks when I think about it at a later date.

That is, I “would” quietly axe folks at a later date,…. if I had a blog.