shower guilt machine
Alright – I’ll admidt it… While we haven’t watched television in over three years, there’s still one mass-media feed I’m completely addicted to…. N.P.R.
I shower with Diane Rhem every morning – which is a little disturbing because I now associate the woman with intelligent, in-depth news issue coverage with being naked and wet.
I have no idea where Lake Whoebegon is – but I want to move there.
This is “pledge week” for our local NPR affiliate so a portion of every hour is filled with the guilt-generating jabber which makes me feel like a scoundrel. It seems like every time they have a drive we’re not in the position to let go of a couple hundred bucks – which I’d happily do.
note to self: “make loose change jar for NPR”
I could go on and on about the importance of publicly funded radio and television, but this is hardly a media forum.
Let alone a blog.