Tag Archives: sears


wholesale club whore

Sunday…. was it Sunday? More evidence we’re getting too damn old to party like we used to. My internal clock got me up at my usual 6am, just three hours after getting to bed after the evening out at The Saints and Sinners Ball.

I wandered around the house some, bumped into furniture and finally went back to sleep around 8am and was out until noon.

I awoke to find two equally groggy and out of sync bears curled up on the sofa and love-seat knitting and making incoherent conversation.

We left for what was supposed to be quick errands and wound up being out most of the afternoon:

• Pick up radial saw table saw thing from Sears… Kevin’s delayed Christmas gift from his dad.. I couldn’t tell you what exactly it is except it says “Craftsman” and has a Laser on it – which he’s giddy about.

• HomoDepot for second color for master bedroom – the one I originally picked doesn’t work.. (grumble).

• Yarn Store

We realized that we needed groceries but we’re in that part of the AP cycle where I need to keep things on plastic… But where do we go? – Grocery stores, at least around us, don’t take Amex.

Perfect excuse to go open the membership at Costco like we’ve been talking about for the past month.

I think I’ve babbled before about the wonders of Seattle-Based Costco… It’s like Sams but… 1) not owned and run by an evil company, 2) has a lot better stuff, 3) recognizes same-sex partners, 4) take (only) American Express, 5) is exceptionally clean and is nicely organized / designed and 6) has a food court where you can buy a huge hot dog and soda for $1.50.

If there was such thing as an “elitist wholesale club” – then Costco would be it. pixeljim

A business membership only cost $45 bucks and we were signed up and strolling past, (and drooling on), the vaginormous plasma screens under three-grand before we knew it.

A squeak over a hundred bucks got us 5 pounds of lunchmeat and cheese, bread, chiabatta buns, a gallon of listerine, two cases of carbonated bevs, a zillion zip-lock bags, a case of soup, minty shampoo, a trash bag full of potstickers and a tub of natural peanut butter.

The rest of the evening was spent eating sandwiches, goofing with the computer and being fascinated with the little imprint of my face on the back of my newly aquired membership card.

They have a little machine that prints directly onto the plastic…

Not the best reproduction quality in the world – but this sort of technology intrigues me.

If I had a blog I’d probably change my user icon to this new little cryptic graphic.