Tag Archives: weather

snow and monopoly

Wait a second… Weren’t we just picking daffodils out of the yard just a day or two ago?

Betrayed every mega-corp-monopoly-suspicious bone in my body and signed us up for the Combo deal from the newly reunited Ma-Bell / ATT / Yahoo / Cingular…

80 bucks and some change a month, (*after* taxes and fees), for unlimited long distance, local calls and the faster-flavor of DSL… Just couldn’t pass that up…. This will be slicing close to a hundred bucks a month off our comm-expenses.

Installing the new service took center stage last night… Not *too* painful – but apparently their self-install software relies on something called “Active X” which isn’t standard on Macs running Tiger – so we had to “manually register” on the phone with a tech.. (Insert technical crap here I don’t understand) – oh look a chicken.

rain rain, go away


Well……….. It’s……

Like… raining and stuff…

Kinda problematic since I’m down here to take pictures of pirate ships and stuff.

The natives and the weather services say the weather *may* break… *may* not…

Been running around taking reference shots of the resort work is restoring down here instead.

Chad hasn’t gone stir crazy…….. yet….

Think we’ll slip out this afternoon for some soggy sight-seeing.


*dial tone*

winter insects

see him bigger here *here*


So… if it started snowing in say….. July… Or the sun would set at noon…. I’m fairly certain mass hysteria would ensue… Commerce would come to a screeching halt… Protestants would run to church… Baby carriages would fly unattended down large staircases…. Mass hysteria!

So… why hasn’t anyone stopped and bothered to freak out that its sixty degrees in January?

I can see myself sitting with Andrew’s children in twenty years and saying something like, “Oh yes… There was a time you didn’t have to drive to Canada to see snow… It used to snow right here in good ole Missouri!”


Anyway – the super warm weather doesn’t only mean we have some bulbs coming up in the garden… There’s also still critters around – like the little hairy bastard we saved from the inquisitive wrath of the lokimonster last night.


*dial tone*

sun catchers

More freakish weather snaps… 20 yesterday… pushing 60 today.

The cats are great at following the sun through the day and manage to all find their own sunny spot to lay in and recharge.

Now I just need a mad scientist and a pair of jumper cables and I could solve the problem of sustainable residential power generation.

hmm.. I need a gimmick more.