the mad monk’s monkey

Rasputin’s other leg

Kiwi stopped by the house with souvenirs and stories from their European vacation. (Kevin and I got Deutchland T-Shirts and Chad got pins and other Hard Rock stuff from their Manheim location).

Somewhere in recounting the stories of Amsterdam where apparently you can stumble into a coffee house and order a cup of your favorite joe and a joint – the sex museum there came up in conversation. Apparently they’ve got a traveling exhibit or something on loan from the Russian Museum of Erotica… Rasputin’s dismembered member.

Now – Kiwi is as notorious for pulling my leg as is I’m gullible. (He was one of the co-conspirators which had me believing that “Enya” in Gaelic meant “No Hands” and that the new age singer was a Thalidomide baby..

“Look at the album covers – they never show her hands!” I bought it… for like two months.

It wasn’t until a brunch get together that I volunteered to someone at the table the little falseoid that the table cracked up – and namely Kiwi and beloved Kevin hit the floor in hysterics.


So… annnnyway… Thanks to Googleâ„¢ I cross referenced the Rasputin story and I’ll be damned, found support for this claim.

This strikes me as a case of penis envy with a sadistic, P.T. Banum sorta historic bent.

Soooo… they poisoned him…. then shot him…. then threw him in a frozen river….. only to fish him out and deschlong his corpse?

Granted, at the reported 30cm, that’d make Gregory a circus freak by even today’s porn-standards….. – but did ya have to pickle it? Well – I guess they didn’t have the technology that they have today….


This is just too odd to blog about.