Happy new year!… It’s going to be too I bet.

Third time’s the charm for making a tradition isn’t it? Regardless… This is the third year we’ve celebrated the new year with devcubber and family at Castle-VanCrippen.

Brother John the ER doc was there again… and like last time treated us to a slightly inebriated, hand-held pyrotechnics show in the front yard while we burned the Christmas tree…

Center-stage at dinner: beer-in-the-butt chickens from the grill and Andy’s incredible shrimp fajitas. Elise had home made goodies too like cookies and these really good, amorphous cheese potato puff pancake things.

Didn’t make any solid *resolutions* this time around… We were going to quit dairy for the first quarter of 2007 just to see what would happen… but we failed to find a compelling enough case to abandon milk juice.

I’m not obsessing about anything at the moment.