special delivery


stalking is fun!

Well.. Thanks to the the geek-bait I threw out yesterday and some savvy blog-poppers taking the time to rattle off wisdom – I spent yesterday researching “networky” things on the web until my eyes bled. (approximately one hour for my feeble brain).

I can’t say I understand any of it better – but I’ve gained some more vocabulary words I can misuse in the future.

Chad worked both weekend days – the new “anti-schedule” continues. It’s not “So” bad – but we were able to figure out why we’ve felt so out of sorts lately: ELISE, , IS STILL OUT OF TOWN!!!

Where-oh-where is our whacky neighbor?!?! (Obviously still en-route back from Colorado with her family).

People addiction is funny.. It comes on real subbtle.

Of course, we’re spoiled.. She’s right down the street. We’ve just grown accustom to seeing her two or three times a week.

She’s due back any day now… For a lack of anything else michevious to do and thanks to a surplus of old magazines in the bathroom, we made a faux-ransom-style letter for her.

Kevin, the sick fuck, wanted to put the letter in a ziplock bag with a pair of rubber gloves and attach it to the door. I warned that may be “too” creepy and runs the risk of Elise freaking out and calling the cops instead of opening the letter.

We ran over and stuck the letter to the door, sans ziplock, and took photos.

It’s “Stalking”… not “Blooging”..