Category Archives: OBSESS


I found these while pokin around…. (from this site.)

yup… sure I find them irresistibly delicious.. but in a useless way.

I mean.. here’s these little icons of design umm “icons”… but it’d be thoroughly “Bad design” to redefine my hard drive icon to look like someone’s 1960 idea of what zero-gravity toilet instructions would look like.

well… I guess as long as I know “Zero Gravity Toilet Instructions = Hard Drive”… but that just seems like eccentric symbol and meaning swapping at that point….

umm.. wait – I’ve done swam out to the deep end again.

*frantically swims for edge of pretense pool*

profound consumer cowinkydink?

“My Monkey” by Luke Chueh

Chueh’s work drives me nuts *anyway*…. then I get this email this morning from his mailing list.

Sweet white baby jesus – is there any need?

well.. pragmatically… no… no need.

but there’s sure a hell of a lot of want.


I mean come ooooooooooon…. no fair.

why does the universe tease me so?

If anyone’s in Palm Springs this weekend,…. and they’re selling these posters….

oh please oh please oh please… I’ll pay you back… In fact… I’ll pick it up in person.

Sure – I’m predominately a 20th Century Modern fan… but…

I dunno..

I’ve been out taking these document shots for work this week – and I guess thanks to that tripped breaker on Monday that got me to slow down – I’m just noticing more now…

St. Louis’ residential architectural heritage is as stageringly diverse as it is shamefully neglected… well… not for long… My primary employers aren’t the only developers buying stuff up like crazy and rehabbing. There’s a finite number of buildings left to rehab and repurpose – which kinda makes me wonder what happens when everything’s been rehabbed… then what?.

This one wasn’t on my list so I don’t know who owns it – but I had to take a picture of it anyway… Beat to hell, but still beautiful. (*it has “Evil Urban Lair” written allllllllllllllllll over it for one aspiring super-villain I happen to know).

oh… um… my schtick-machine is broken… I’ll figure out a way to scratch my OCD via LiveJournal again later. (e.g. “I’m not blogging”, phone message, Bloghold, Chickens, cheese… etc) – i loose track…