milk and eggs


Didn’t do diddly yesterday aside from a couple loads of laundry, aimlessly surfing online, and taking a big ole nap. Kevin on the other hand spent the afternoon working on a web page for xenohomo’s employer.

The evening came and so did a call from “choco-goddess Leah and hetero-bear life-mate, Dr. Steve” .

Leah has returned from on the road with her high profile PR job for most of the month of February and was craving company. Since the day was pretty chilly – we decided they better come to our place so we could throw a duraflameâ„¢ in and smoke in-doors. They arrived an hour later with a bag full of “Super Smokers”.

There’s nothing quite like catching up with friends over a vat of pulled pork.

Leah is privy to all sorts of demographic facts and figures because of her job, and she’s not prone to bullshit.

So I learned a couple of interesting factoids about St. Louis:

We consume more Dr. Pepper than any other city.
We consume more Ice Cream than any other city.

When I thought about it I had to giggle thinking about our kitchen inventory… We may be out of milk, bread and eggs – but by God there’s always a 12 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper in the fridge and a quart of ice cream in the freezer.

I’ve also heard that we consume more butter and Kool-Aid™ than any other city as well. (but those facts came from a less reliable source).

I’d blog about these little rib-tickling facts, but we’re out of Diet Dr. Pepper and I have to go to the store.