
Yesterday was the national Boycott for Equality. In a nutshell: All homos and friends were to drop out of the economy for the day.

The premise of this protest struck me oddly… We’ve been “dropped out of the economy” since it went to hell in 2002.

Nonetheless one of my primary clients decided to throw a picnic / rally in Tower Grove Park for the day. Considering that they burned up a considerable amount of their retainer last month on generating ads and and materials for the picnic – we could hardly blow it off. Plus we genuinely thought it would be important to show up and show support for the community.

It rained for most of the event, but it didn’t seem to dampen the spirits of the people that made it out. The turn out was ho-hum – but I guess considering the foul weather it was good? I tried to reassure my client’s CEO that the rain made it feel more like a good ole’ fashion protest.

A tour buss filled with a group from California arrived who are traveling across the country and doing stunts / speeches / demonstrations for marriage equality.

We hung out for a couple of hours and listened to the speakers, ate salty hot dogs and visited with folks we hadn’t seen in a while.

En-route home we stopped by the bank and had our absentee ballots notarized and then headed home to chill out for the rest of the day.

Fahrenheit 9/11 arrived from NetFlix… considering the day’s activities I figured.. “OH well hell – we’re already in the head-space,… let’s pop it in.” I was pleasantly surprised to see Moore release some of the melodramatic over-the-top crap which I felt undermined his previous films.

The two hours went by pretty fast – and left me feeling queasy.

For all fairness, we spent the rest of the night pulling up contrary commentary about the film online. Most of the criticisms we found accused the film of agenda-lead distortion.

Duh.. it’s a movie… as soon as you make an edit – you’re molding information. As soon as you creative any kind of narrative – you’re steering content. Honestly – I found the greatest insight in the long, unedited, sans-commentary spots where the the subject, (W, Rice, etc), do a pretty good job of self-vilification without the editorial help of the tubby conspiracist from Flint.

Many of the cited errors we found about the film were nit picky details which, when pulled out of context, could be argued endlessly. Let’s just let the whacko-rights and the automaton lefty robots fight all that out.

As in with Bowling for Columbine – the strength is in the “big picture / message”. Which was deeply disturbing – but not shocking…

so… it was a real political type day…and ya know what? That was enough… thanks… No mom – I don’t want any more mashed potatoes…. I’m full…

I’m also not blogging.