
Monday night was the worst… The house wouldn’t cool off past 82 and there was zero breeze.

I took the truck to work Tuesday morning to tie up some loose ends while the guys packed the car and looked for emergency boarding for the cats.

About an hour before we were to leave we heard machinery and voices in the wooded corridor behind our house.


We continued to pack and literally – right when we were ready to lock the door – we heard everyone’s AC units click on.


We ran back inside… set the thermostat… closed the windows… and I ran the vacuum cleaner. Imagine three cats and two bears in a hot, carpeted, powerless house for four days. The house was starting to resemble a stable. (I filled the Dyson container twice.)

We hit three bad patches of traffic and wound up not pulling into Kevin’s sister’s till close to midnight.

We’re only here for a couple hours of socializing this morning before we head back out on the road to chicken.