Tag Archives: 1980’s


Kevin’s table saw thingie with the laser-guide came with a pair of “laser safety glasses.”

They resemble late 80’s Oakleys.

You know.. the kind “those” guys used to wear….

The ones who reeked of Polo cologne mixed with spent Marlboro Lights wafting from their acid washed jean jackets.

The ones I tried to hide from in the halls between classes.


Weird stuff happens when you take photos through them.

Wierder stuff would happen if I blogged.

more hair

On my last visit with Danny, as usual – I sat down in the pneumatic chair and donned the plastic smock… And as I get pumped up to servicing-height – he gets that same distant thousand yard stare looking at my head and says… “alright – so what are we doing today?”

“Go Long”… I declared….

“Go Long” indeed… When uttered between hetero-males means “Start running cause I’m gonna hurl this pigskin to Nebraska!”

When uttered between bear boy and ex-drag queen hairdresser… it means something totally different.

I’ve been nursing a growing fascination with long hair… I mean… REALLY LONG HAIR… Like Renaissance Festival Long… which I’ll get into another day…

Obviously – one can’t snap their fingers and have instant “qualifies for an extra on the set of The Bounty” hair…. You have to get there first..

On that journey you have to go through a lot – including early-80’s talk show host hair… which is where I believe I’ve hit.

I haven’t had this much hair on my head since College… I haven’t had this much STYLED hair on my head since High School.

I’m suddenly longing for episodes of That’s Incredible and Real People.

Will I make it past the John Davidson stage? Who knows…

Will I blog about it? –


an absurd notion

an absurd photograph

So we swing by the local Streetside Records so babybear can get his music browsing fix and I can pick up Bad Religion’s new album. Low and behold – what’s sitting there in the D section?

ONCE AGAIN in my life, I’m transformed into a 15-year-old squealing school girl, lobbing my training bra up on stage at Nick.

This is too embarassing to blog about…

(monkeybear teases hair and holds up lit bicâ„¢ lighter)